2024 #MillionsMissing

Register To Host local Events

Local IN-person or Virtual Events

#MillionsMissing has always had a local presence. Local events are a chance for the communities to come together. For some people, this was the first time they met with other people with ME and found a support system.

While we are not emphasizing in-person May events, we recognize that some international and local participants of #MillionsMissing are welcome to do in-person and virtual events in May and we support this effort, as area-specific needs vary greatly!

If you decide to host a local in-person or virtual event, as a Local Event Lead here is what you will be provided:

  • The use of #MillionsMissing and #MEAction branding
  • New graphics for social media
  • If hosting a virtual event, you will be provided a link to a virtual meeting platform
  • Will promote your event on our site and through at least one social media platform leading up to the event
  • Will share your successes in promotional material after the event

Local events can be scheduled throughout the week of May 9th-16th (we ask that you schedule your local event NOT during #MEAction’s Virtual Event on May 12th: 12-2pm PST/3-5pm EST/8pm-10pm UK).

Interested in hosting a local in-person or virtual event, here are the steps to take:

  1. Review #MEAction’s Local Event Policies
  2. Fill out this form and accept policies
  3. #MEAction will respond via email
  4. We will create a calendar posting to be featured on our Event’s Calendar Page and share the posting link with you.

*We are encouraging Local Virtual Event Leads to create Facebook Events as it provides the opportunity to communicate with attendees and share messages prior to the virtual event.

For more information about our local events, please visit our Local Events FAQ page and read over Local Event Policies.